Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, in collaboration with the Akimat of Almaty, the Institute of Oriental Studies named after R.B. Suleimenov and the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Kazakhstan on December 2, 2022 on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of Absattar Haji Derbisali, an outstanding scientist, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Philology, professor, founder of the science of Oriental Studies in Kazakhstan, statesman, public and religious figure and diplomat, as well as in connection with the 50th anniversary of his scientific work, holds an international scientific-theoretical and practical conference on the topic "PROBLEMS OF ORIENTAL STUDIES AND SPIRITUALITY".

Venue of the conference: al-Farabi library, 4th floor, KazNU campus, Almaty.
The following sections are planned within the framework of the conference:
• Academician Absattar Derbisali: a great teacher, an outstanding scientist, an experienced diplomat, statesman, public and religious figure.
• Eastern culture in human civilization.
• "Kazakhstan and the Islamic world: the present and future of historical, cultural, spiritual ties";
• History of Turan in Eastern sources.
Among the participants of the conference are well-known representatives and figures of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan and state bodies, representatives of the embassies of the countries of the East in the Republic of Kazakhstan, leading scientists from universities of our republic, famous religious figures of the world level, domestic and foreign orientalists, philosophers and philologists, historians, cultural scientists and religious scholars and representatives of the media. We invite the academicians of these areas to
participate in the conference and request to send the texts of the articles until November 10, 2022.
Conference languages – Kazakh, Russian, English, Arabic.
When writing articles, you must comply with the following requirements: the volume of printed text in the electronic version is up to 10-12 pages. Font - Times New Roman, font - 14; line spacing - 1; width alignment; paragraph indent - 1 cm; page orientation is portrait, top and bottom margin is 2.0, left margin is 3.0 and right margin is 1.
The design: (capital letters, bold, center alignment) TITLE OF THE ARTICLE (in Kazakh, Russian, English, Arabic); in the next line (font - bold italic, right alignment) - full name; in the next line (font - italics, right alignment) - academic title, academic degree, type of activity, place of activity, city; in the next line (font - italics, right alignment) - contact E-mail; one line later - the text of the article. References in the text to the corresponding source in the bibliography are made in Arabic numerals, enclosed in square brackets, for example, [1, p. 277]. The use of automatic page links is not allowed.
At the end of the report, a summary is given: if the report is written in Kazakh, then the summary is written in Russian and English, if in Russian - in Kazakh and English; if in English or Arabic - in Kazakh and Russian.
The manuscript is accompanied by information about the authors, including their last name, first name, patronymic, academic degree, title, place of work and activity, city, country, as well as their email addresses and contact numbers.
The organizers reserve the right to reject reports that do not meet the requirements for the stated topic and procedure.
Articles are accepted by: Faculty of Oriental Studies al-Farabi KazNU (Almaty, Karasai Batyr st., 95A), e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Responsible person: Deputy Dean for Research and Innovation and International Relations, PhD Jakubayeva Saltanat Toleuovna, tel.: 8 747 708 40 60.

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